Navigating the TID Rollover
Understanding the Vending Key Extension

The clock was ticking towards the 24th November 2024 deadline for the expiration of vending keys based on the 1993 start date. This poses a major challenge, as new keys for the TID Rollover programme cannot be generated after this cut-off point. It impacts all meters, even those sitting in warehouses, so completing the rollover campaign for every device is crucial.

Recognizing these looming issues, the STS Association has introduced the Vending Key Extension to help manage the transition smoothly. This extension pushes the validity of generating new TID Rollover keys out until 31st May 2025. However, the original November 2024 deadline remains in place for credit purchases on these keys.

The extension provides vital breathing room for those still working through the TID Rollover. If a meter has no credit left after the November deadline and the rollover isn't complete, it will stop dispensing credit. But with the extended keys, the rollover can still be done afterwards. Meters with credit remaining after the 24th will keep working normally until it runs out. This allows time to finish their rollover using the extended keys.

The extension can be applied by member utilities in bulk or individually through the Key Management Centre. Importantly, it doesn't actually move the original deadline, just enables new keys to be created after that date. Without it, every single rollover must be finished for all meters by November 2024.

In short:

  • The November 2024 deadline stands. After this, the system won't allow new keys without the extension.
  • The extension pushes the validity of new keys out to May 2025, enabling rollovers after the deadline.
  • Meters without credit after November 2024 will stop until the rollover happens.
  • Meters with credit can continue operating normally, allowing rollover completion during this time with extended keys.

The Vending Key Extension offers a practical solution to smooth the transition. By using it, stakeholders can stay ahead of risks and ensure their meters transition successfully.

More information on the STSA TID-rollover website