• July 25, 2024

    Evolving Power Markets for the Renewable Age

    Balancing Power and Profit: The Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Integration in Modern Power Grids.

    The way we make and use power is changing fast as countries switch to cleaner energy sources. This is driven by things like renewables getting cheaper, governments wanting fewer greenhouse gases, and companies setting green goals. At the heart of this clean energy shift are power markets. They need to evolve so they can handle …

  • July 23, 2024

    The Duck Curve and Solar Power Integration

    Duck Curve Net Load with Solar Power Generation

    The growing use of solar power is changing electricity systems across the globe. But solar's unreliable nature, depending on sunny weather, also creates new hurdles for keeping power grids stable and reliable. The "duck curve" has become an influential idea for understanding these changes and picturing the tricky balancing act needed. So what's the duck …

  • July 22, 2024

    Digital Monoculture
    The Hidden Risks of Standardization

    Global IT Outage A Routine Update Gone Wrong, Disrupting Critical Infrastructures

    In today's era many companies rely on the cloud services and cybersecurity solutions leading to a digital monoculture. While this standardization promotes operation and broad compatibility of computer systems, it also poses risks. When issues arise they can quickly spread across industries and regions as seen in the CrowdStrike incident. The interconnected nature of IT …

  • July 17, 2024

    Maximizing Renewable Energy Efficiency with Advanced Power Electronics

    pre assembled modular platform with power conversion systems

    Explore the latest advancements in power electronics for seamless integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, improving efficiency, reliability, and overall system performance. From advanced inverters to energy storage systems and offshore wind farms, discover how power electronics is shaping a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

  • July 15, 2024

    The Hype and Hurdles Facing Hydrogen Energy

    Large Storage Tanks Or High Pressure Systems Are Required To Store Hydrogen In A Compact Form (symbol Image, Credit Clou)

    Hydrogen is getting tons of buzz lately as a climate-friendly way to store energy long-term and power cars emission-free. Supporters say it could be made renewable by using solar and wind electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This "green" hydrogen could then fuel vehicles in fuel cells, with only water coming out the …

  • July 8, 2024

    Human-AI Collaboration for Smart Grid Management

    Human AI Collaboration Shaping the Future of Smart Grid Management

    The electric power grid is undergoing a major transformation driven by the integration of renewable energy sources, distributed energy resources, and advanced digital technologies. This evolution towards a more complex, decentralized and data-driven grid is referred to as the Smart Grid. Effective management of the Smart Grid relies on utilizing advanced analytics and AI to …

  • July 5, 2024

    The 'Smart' Epidemic
    Beneficial or Just Buzz?

    The Smart Epidemic

    The 'smart home' revolution has certainly taken off in the last 10 years! It seems like every new gadget and appliance is being labelled as 'smart' – from fridges and thermostats to lightbulbs and security cameras.

  • July 3, 2024

    Smart Grid and Energy Storage
    A Perfect Match

    Enhancing Grid Resilience Energy Storage Systems in Transmission Infrastructures

    In today's changing energy landscape the merging of grids and energy storage systems marks a significant stride, towards achieving effective, dependable and eco-friendly power management.

  • July 2, 2024

    Energy Saving with Smart Meters
    How Technology Can Help You Save Money and the Environment

    The debate surrounding a unified communication protocol for household resource monitoring is complex and multifaceted (symbol image, credit Pexels)

    Smart meters offer an effective way to reduce energy consumption, save money and promote sustainability. With the right tools and strategies, energy saving with smart meters can be both easy and effective.

  • July 1, 2024

    Understanding and Managing Annual Drift in Measurement Instruments

    Drifting Towards Precision Navigating the Curves of Measurement Drift (symbol image, credit CLOU)

    The linear nature of drift allows for trend analysis and future performance characterization. By managing drift impacts and incorporating drift characteristics into calibration planning, organizations can ensure measurement trustworthiness and make science-based decisions.

  • June 28, 2024

    Common Meter Wiring Issues Leading to High Reactive Energy Readings

    Service engineer at a substation

    In the complex world of electrical systems, accurate energy metering is essential. However, incorrect wiring of meters can lead to skewed energy readings, particularly in reactive energy measurements. For electrical engineers, decision-makers, and testing engineers, understanding these wiring issues is crucial to ensure precise and reliable energy data.

  • June 27, 2024

    Electromagnetic Force
    The Driver of the Power Industry

    Electromagnetic Force

    Electricity generation is not a topic of interest, in studies but also serves as the foundation of the entire power industry facilitating the interaction between charged particles. This interaction is crucial for enabling the production, transmission and distribution of electricity that powers our society.