Metering Insights

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26 Replies to “Metering Insights”
  1. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence, and for sharing your insights on what it takes to be a world-class energy services provider. Your dedication sets a high standard for the industry. Keep up the fantastic work.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and appreciation. I truly appreciate your feedback and support. It is incredibly encouraging to hear that our commitment to excellence and insights in the energy services industry have resonated with you.

    1. The credit deduction is based on your consumption. If you use less electrical energy, the meter runs slower.

  2. My CL710K11 Single Phase AMR Prepaid Meter is blinking red light at "warning" sign indicator. What does this mean?

    1. If there is no other indication on the display, it means that your credit is getting low.

    1. Thank you for your interest. You can swipe down the page bottom and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

  3. Kindly how can I silence my meter even after dailing 812# still it will revive on its own and starts beeping its really annoying.

    1. The beep can only switch off temporarily for just one minute.
      The beep appears because there is an alarm, either low credit, or overload, or tamper.
      You can silence your meter permanently after you solve the alarm.

  4. I have a clou meter token and am just wondering how i can silence the beeping alarm that goes off when your are low on tokens. Its kinda annoying. Ypur help will be highly appreciated.

    1. Steve, try code 812 on your UIU (user interface unit) and confirm by pressing the enter-button (blue or red). If it doesn't work, please tell us the meter model type.

    1. If the energy meter has a function for measuring reactive energy, it must have a test output (a flashing diode) indicating the reactive consumption. This test output has a meter constant, indicated in e.g. pulses per kvarh. You set measurement mode in your test plan to reactive measurement and adjust the scanning heads in front of the reactive diode. All other procedure is the same like active accuracy test. The settings for reactive power is done inside the test bench and reference standard automatically.

  5. which is the standard to be used for testing of for Reactive power in energy meter and what are the acceptable error margins?

    1. The IEC 62053-23 is applicable for static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3). The allowed errors for accuracy are given in the related tables. If you have a meter with reactive class 2, the allowed error is +/-2% for all balanced loads above 0.1 Ib and power-factor 1.

  6. My CLOU (CL710K11) just shows zeros when I try to enquire balance or input new token, I think it is not communicating with the power source

    1. The possible reason could be long communicate distance or the power cable quality,plsase use another socket and try again. if still doesn't work,pls confirm whether the UIU address is right one( enter 1593570 plus the meter number to set the UIU address).

  7. Where can I find the operational manual for clou meter, with series number CL710K11

    1. Thank you for your message. The operation manual is for the power company or utility. End users get an introduction by the power company and a reference card with the user interface short codes. The configuration for each power company is different. If you are in doubt about a function, ask your power supplier.

    2. My CL710K11 meter
      Red light is lit next to the word "WIRING" and I noticed low power in house today. Any idea what could be the problem.

    3. It indicates a poor communication between the user interface unit and the meter. One reason behind can be a very low supply voltage from the grid.

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