• January 29, 2024

    Crest Factor for Voltage and Current

    Current Crest Factor

    The crest factor can be used as additional indicator for the power quality in the grid. The impact on power transformers, circuit breakers and other elements like uninterrupted power supply (UPS) needs to be considered during the planning stage.

  • January 26, 2024

    The Efficiency of Solar Power at High Elevation

    Sichuan Ganzi Scientific Phaotovoltaic Power Station, part constructed by CLOU

    Photovoltaic panels at a higher altitude are receiving more solar radiation compared to the sea level, resulting in more generation of electricity.

  • January 24, 2024

    Photovoltaic Research Base at High Altitude

    CLOU staff took photos in Ganzi Photovoltaic Research Base

    CLOU helped build China's first photovoltaic research base at high altitude of 3900-4500 meters.

  • October 23, 2023

    The Challenges Of Electrical Power Grid Restoration

    Blackout Symbol Image1

    If a grid is running very close to its maximum capacity and a major event happens, e.g. fire in a generator, a whole power plant goes offline. The other plants connected to the grid must start up in order to meet demand when that plant disconnects.

  • January 18, 2024

    Renewable Energies:
    The Different Types

    Array Of Solar Panels

    Renewable energy technologies are becoming more popular as the cost continues to fall. These technologies have the ability to cut emissions and supply sustainable energy, which are crucial not only for this generation, but also for a better future.